ceremony in kanz al madaris board
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Ceremony in Kanz Al-Madaris Board

The ceremony for the distribution of certificates among the students who secured positions in the Kenz Al-Madaris Board was held at the Pakistan-China Friendship Center in Islamabad.

The Jamia-tul-Madina Educational Institute, comprising more than 1500 branches, is an educational institution under Dawat-e-Islami where thousands of students, alongside religious knowledge, also acquire expertise in worldly sciences, thus attaining prominent positions in serving the country and the nation in practical fields. Affiliated with the Kanzul Madaris Board nationally and internationally, the Jamia-tul-Madina institutes had over 35,000 students participating in the annual examination for the Alim course in 2024, with exams for various degrees of the eight-year Alim course conducted under the Kanzul Madaris Board. Consequently, a distinguished ceremony was held at the Pakistan-China Friendship Center in Islamabad to honor the high-achieving students. Religious scholars from the central executive body of Dawat-e-Islami, notably Haji Imran Attari, were specially invited to present certificates and awards to the position holders. Apart from Haji Imran Attari, other religious scholars of Dawat-e-Islami, respected clerics, and professionals from various fields including professors, politicians, and social figures also participated. During the award distribution ceremony, special guest Haji Imran Attari commended the efforts of the students and advised them to dedicate their endeavors in practical life according to the teachings of Islam for societal reform and providing both religious and worldly services.