fgrf water handpump project
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F G R F – Water Handpump Project

Contribute to alleviating water scarcity by installing a water hand pump with the Faizan Global Relief Foundation. Make an ongoing charitable donation.

Water is a precious gift of nature, and those who rely on every drop understand its value and significance the most. Faizan Global Relief Foundation has initiated a noble Water Hand Pump Project to distribute this precious blessing in every community. Under this project, the cost of installing one hand pump for a household is £175. Join hands with FGRF in the ongoing charity project and install a water hand pump to earn continuous rewards for yourself and for your departed loved ones.

For donations, contact number: +44 7300 55 99 19

Bank details: Bank Name: Lloyds Bank Account Name: Faizan Global Relief Foundation UK Sort Code: 30-97-71 Account No: 46004868 IBAN: (to be filled) BIC: LOYDGB21087 Reference: WATER PROJECT

Remember that your donation can be spent on any permissible, religious, or beneficial charitable activities."