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Dar-ul-Ifta Ahlesunnat App
Dawat-e-Islami is a non-profit Islamic organization with a mission to propagate Islamic teachings across the world. It’s centered in Karachi but has a worldwide presence. The org has many departments and among the most important is Darulifta DawateIslami, which deals with sharia laws. The IT Department of Dawat-e-Islami has launched a very informative fatwa app named ‘Darul Ifta Ahlesunnat’. This app provides fatawa on various sharia issues, namaz ke masail, roze ke masail, qurbani ke masail, deeni masail, sharai masail, and other Islamic problems. This online fatwa Ahle Sunnat app can guide you whenever you're stuck and need a learned Islamic scholar to help you out. The app has an attractive UI and it's easy to use. So, with the Darul Ifta Ahle Sunnat application resolve your life problems easily.

The app has a collection of Islamic books which you can use to find solutions to your problems or simply increase your knowledge.

Event wise
This feature contains media related to different Islamic events. The media files are split into multiple categories like audio, video, etc.

Dawat e Islami Darul Ifta app gives you the option to download and save to your phone all the information this app has to offer.

Darul Ifta branches
Darul Ifta has multiple branches worldwide and you can engage your preferred branch to get a fatwa and get your issues fixed.

Contact Services
The app allows you to contact any branch of Darul Ifta depending on your preferences by using Darul Ifta DawateIslami contact number.

Darul Ifta Ahle Sunnat online has an advanced search option so you can search specific queries and look for important, books, fatawa, video and audio clips.
Screenshot Features

Text Fatawa
This option gives you the choice to go through a wide range of fatawa in written text form. Also, there are many questions and answers available for you to read, which will help you understand different Sharai masail and what the sharia law says about them.
Famous Programs of Madani Channel
On this app, you can easily surf through famous programs of the Madani channel in the form of audio and video clips. The programs are full of information and lectures related to Islamic laws, deeni masail, and much more. Get the app and open yourself the door to Islamic knowledge.

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