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Mufti Qasim App
Mufti Qasim Attari is a well-known Islamic scholar known for his works in the field of Tafseer e Quran and Sharai masail. He’s a great Islamic personality with vast knowledge of various Islamic matters including Islamic jurisprudence, history, hadith and sunnah. The I.T Dept of DawateIslami has launched this amazing app called ‘Mufti Qasim Attari App’ which contains a detailed introduction of Maulana Mufti Muhammad Qasim Attari, his informative Islamic lectures, soulful Islamic speeches, Bayanat, books like Fatawa Rizvia, Sirat ul Jinan, Marifat ul Quran and many other unique features which make the app so special. The app is best suited to all those looking to increase their Islamic knowledge and follow the path of Allah Almighty closely. The UI is beautiful and user-friendly. Download the app now!

A detailed introduction of Mufti Qasim Attari is available on this app. You can read it to know about this great scholar’s life and services to Islam.

The app has exclusive programs featuring Mufti Qasim Attari. The programs discuss talaq k masail, inheritance issues, children's upbringing, and much more.

Mufti Qasim Attari is a phenomenal speaker and his bayanat have a great impact on people. You can listen to his speeches whenever you want on this app.

All the Islamic books written by Mufti Qasim are available on the app and you can easily read them online or download them for offline use.

A long list of enlightening bayanat is available on the app. You can listen to them whenever you want. They can help uplift you and strengthen your Iman.

You can share the app with your friends and family using the option of sharing. So, spread the message of Islam among your social circles.

Short Clips
There are a number of short clips added to this app which are Islamic lectures, motivational speeches and bayanat of Maulana Mufti Muhammad Qasim Attari. You can download these clips as well as watch them online to get answers to your religious questions and solutions to your daily problems.
The Islamic app has an amazing option of free downloading, which means you can download any book, program or media file like videos or audio clips for later use when you’re offline. In this way, you can store your favorite media in the downloads section and use them whenever convenient.

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