Tilawat e Quran ki Barkatain

Book Name:Tilawat e Quran ki Barkatain

·            Otherwise, it is sufficient if one of them listens, while others may carry out their activities. (Fatawa Razawiyyah – referenced, vol. 23, pp. 353)

·            It is Haram for everybody in a gathering to recite aloud. In gatherings of Isaal-e-Sawab, usually everybody recites aloud – this is Haram [strictly forbidden]. If a number of people recite, the ruling for them is to recite quietly. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 1, part 2, pp. 552)

·            It is impermissible to recite the Holy Quran aloud in the marketplace, or anywhere where people are working. If the people do not listen to the recitation, then the sin will be upon the reciter. If the reciter began reciting before the people became occupied in their work at a place that is not specified for work, then if people do not listen to the recitation, the sin will be upon those people. However, if he began to recite after they had already started working; the sin will be on the reciter.

(Ghunya-tul-Mutamalli, pp. 497)

·            There is no harm in reciting the Holy Quran whilst lying down, as long as the legs are folded up [i.e. not stretched out] and the face is not covered. Additionally, it is also permissible to perform Tilawat whilst walking or working, provided attention of the heart is not distracted; otherwise it would be Makruh [disliked]. (ibid, pp. 496)

·            It is impermissible to recite the Holy Quran in the bathroom or in places of impurity. (ibid)

·            Listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran is better than reciting the Holy Quran or offering Nafl Salah [supererogatory prayer]. (ibid, pp. 497)

·            If somebody recites incorrectly, it is Wajib for the listener to correct him, provided that it does not create animosity or envy. (ibid,  pp. 498)

It is Mustahab to recite the Quran with Tarteel (i.e., slowly and in a measured tone).

During recitation if you feel laziness and weakness then you should stop reciting it [for the time being] so that you could recite with ease of mind when laziness is over.