Shan e Sahaba

Book Name:Shan e Sahaba

then told that soon my life would be brought back to me so that I could inform my evil companions of my painful consequence and tell them that the one who makes an enemy of the pious bondmen of Allah, he suffers a painful consequence in the Hereafter. When you would have informed them about your condition, you would then be thrown into your real abode (i.e. Hell). I have been revived to give this piece of news so the insulters of the blessed companions can derive a lesson from this condition of mine and refrain from blasphemy or anyone who commits blasphemy against the blessed companions will suffer the terrible consequence like mine. After saying this much, he died again.

Other people standing at a distance also heard the warnings that he had mentioned. I took the shroud back which I had bought and said, ‘I will not arrange the funeral rites of this evil man who is an offender of Shaykhayn Karimayn (رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ تَعَالٰی عَـنْهُمَا). You may carry on with it. I cannot even endure staying here anymore.’ I then left that place. I was later informed that his evil companions gave him a bath, shrouded him and only those people performed his funeral Salah, because no other person even bothered to attend it.

(‘Uyoon-ul-Hikayaat, vol. 1, pp. 247)


محفوظ سدا رکھنا شہا بے اَدَبو ں سے       اور مجھ سے بھی سَرزد نہ کبھی بے اَدَبی ہو


Dear Islamic brothers! Have you seen how severe and terrible consequences that insulter of Shaykhayn Karimayn had suffered! We should therefore avoid the company of such wicked people and only join the company of lovers of the Beloved Rasool, true lovers of the blessed companions, the honourable Ahl-e-Bayt and the blessed Awliya and illuminate our hearts with the candle of love of these glorious personalities and become deserving of goodness in both the worlds. Love for the pious bondmen of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ will be of great help in the grave as well as on the Day of Resurrection.

A person has stated: A friend of my teacher died. My teacher dreamt of him and asked: ‘مَا فَعَلَ اللّٰهُ بِكَ؟’ i.e. How did Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ treat you? He replied:   Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ has forgiven me. My teacher asked: How did Munkar Nakeer treat