Imam e Azam ka Taqwa

Book Name:Imam e Azam ka Taqwa

our Imam-e-A’zam رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه feared Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ regarding fulfilling human rights! Those people who intentionally cause troubles to others, mess their walls and stairs, those who throw garbage in front of the houses of their neighbours, stick posters or stickers on others’ vehicles, walls of the shops and doors of the houses without their permission and sometimes even spray graffiti on walls, therefore hurting and violating the rights of people, this also causes disrespect to sacred writings, these people should learn a lesson from this parable.

Remember! If a person violates another person’s rights in this world, and does not ask his pardon, then on the Day of Judgement he has to compensate that person with his own good deeds. If he is unable to fulfil his rights in this way, then he will have to carry the burden of that person’s sins. For example, if a person scolds someone without any Shar’i reason, threats someone by staring at them or in any other way, hurts someone’s feelings, beats someone, does not pay off someone’s money, messes the walls of another person by sticking posters or graffiti etc., or troubles someone by encroaching unjustly before his shop or home, one who runs away after denting or scratching someone’s motorcycle or car etc. with his own vehicle, or in case of not being able to escape he accuses the innocent party, in short if he violates the rights of people by any means, even though he offers Salahs, performs Hajj and ‘Umrah, gives a lot in charity, and performs great good deeds in this world, then on the Day of Judgement all his acts of worship will be taken away by those whom he harmed without any Shar’i permission. Therefore, due to depriving others’ of their rights, a person despite being a Haji, offers different Salahs including Tahajjud, observes fasts etc, will be made to enter Hell.


آہ! مِیزاں پر کھڑا ہوں شافعِ محشر کرم

نیکیاں پلّے نہیں ہیں بس گناہوں کا ہے ڈھیر


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب       صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد