Maut kay Qasid

Book Name:Maut kay Qasid

More effective way of remembering death

Dear Islamic brothers! If you want to frighten yourself and want your heart to become occupied with the thought of the grave and the Hereafter, imagine death. The way to imagine death is to sit alone and remove all worldly thoughts from the mind. First of all, recall those friends and relatives who have passed away. Recall the dead who used to live in your vicinity one by one and picture their faces, think, how busy they were with their worldly jobs, high hopes, and they were struggling to improve their status in society by getting worldly education which they might have not even completed after years of struggle. They used to face many difficulties and troubles for their worldly business. They were busy with worldly tasks only for this world. They loved the luxuries and comforts of the world only. They were living their lives as if they would never going to die. Therefore, they became heedless of death, intoxicated with worldly joys and became busy with sports and entertainments.

Their shrouds had arrived in the market but they were unaware of it and were lost in the attractions of this world. Alas! In this state of unawareness, they suddenly met death and were laid into their graves. Their parents were in mourning due to grief, widows became senseless, children were left crying, their dreams were shattered, long hopes were crushed and worldly tasks were left incomplete. All their efforts for the world went in vain. Their heirs divided their possessions and are consuming them happily and have forgotten them.

After having this imagination, now start thinking about the conditions of their graves as to how their bodies would have been decomposed. Alas! How their beautiful faces would have been distorted. When they smiled, their faces would look very beautiful and radiant. But alas! Now their beautiful sparkling teeth would have fallen off and their mouths would be filled with pus. Their big attractive eyes became swollen and would have flowed down their cheeks. Their silk-like hair would have scattered in the grave after falling off. Insects would have entered their thin beautiful and prominent noses. Insects would be eating their rose petal-like thin and delicate lips. Those small innocent children who would cheer up the depressed people by talking, insects may have got stuck to their tongues after their death. The muscular and well-built bodies of young men would have become mixed with the sand. All their joints would have been separated.