Qurbani Kay Fazail O Masail

Book Name:Qurbani Kay Fazail O Masail

1.         nor will I resort to misbehaviour so that the prestige of Dawat-e-Islami will not be affected.

2.         No matter how busy I am collecting the animal hides of sacrificed animals, I will not miss even the first Rak’at of any Salah without any Shar’i reason, let alone the Jama’at.

3.         I will keep with me clean clothes including a turban and a Tahband in a shopping bag etc., for Salahs.

(These things can also be kept at the stall, if necessary. This is strongly advised, because the blood gushing out at the time of slaughter is Najasat-e-Ghaleezah and is as impure as urine. Hence it is extremely difficult for the person collecting animal hides to protect his clothes from the blood.

It is stated on page 389 of the 1st volume of the book Bahar-e-Shari’at: The ruling for Najasat-e-Ghaleezah is that if it comes into contact with the body or clothes more than one dirham (size of a Dirham), it will become Fard to purify the body or clothes for offering Salah. If someone offers Salah without cleaning it, Salah will be invalid, and if he offers Salah deliberately, he will also be a sinner. If he offers Salah trivializing the Shari’ah commandment, it will become Kufr. If the impure substance is equal to one dirham in quantity, it will become Wajib to remove it, and if someone offers Salah without removing it, it will be Makruh Tahreemi, which means it is Wajib to repeat such a Salah. If he offers Salah deliberately, he will be a sinner too. If the impure substance is less than a dirham in quantity, it is Sunnah to remove it. Although the Salah will be valid, it will be contrary to the Sunnah and repeating such a Salah is better.)

4.         I will protect the carpets, mats and other things of the Masjid, house, Maktab and Madrasah etc., from the stains of blood. (One should take special care not to walk on the wet floor of the Wudu area or door mats etc., with blood-stained feet. Likewise, one should take special care while performing Wudu lest the clothes etc., of the other Wudu-making person sitting next to him as well as his own become impure with impure blood and splashes of impure water.)