Buzurgon Ki Gheebat Say Nafrat

Book Name:Buzurgon Ki Gheebat Say Nafrat

1.            My younger brother watches movies and dramas.

2.            He acts like a Sufi but does not offer a single Salah.

3.            He did not have money to drink even a cup of tea how has he bought an expensive car!

4.            He must have stolen the money of donation from the Masjid (or Madrasa)!

5.            He has consumed Haraam so much that his belly is hanging.

6.            He will first talk about himself in the speech, and then he will come to the point.

7.            He goes beyond the time allotted to him and eats into the time allotted to other speakers.

8.            He is more enthusiastic in big gatherings or Ijtima’.

9.            When he needed me, he would call me anytime.

10.        Now he does not need me, therefore does not care how I am.

11.        (Mother says about her son) When his wife was here, he would call everyday, but now he does not even care about me.

12.        He does not consider calling important, I always call him myself.

13.        (Mother says) If he does not call his in-laws for two days, he gets upset, but he does not feel anything if he does not call home for months.

14.        (Parents say) He has money and time to call others, but no time for us.

15.        He has totally forgotten us after his marriage.

16.        He deliberately does not call us.

17.        His win in the elections was not fair.

18.        He has had many people killed.

19.        Bully

20.        Terrorist

21.        Oppressor

22.        Horrible

23.        He is hankering after money.