Buzurgon Ki Gheebat Say Nafrat

Book Name:Buzurgon Ki Gheebat Say Nafrat

1.         Backbiting deprives a person of the blessings of Salah and Sawm (fast).

2.         Backbiting destroys good deeds.

3.         Backbiting burns good deeds.

4.         Even if the backbiter repents, he will still be the last to enter Paradise.

5.         In short, backbiting is a grave sin, absolutely Haraam and an act leading to Hell.

6.         Backbiting is worse than fornication.

7.         The one, who backbites against a Muslim, commits the sin that is even severe than usury.

8.         If backbiting is put into the ocean, the whole ocean will become smelly.

9.         A backbiter will have to eat the dead in Hell.

10.      Backbiting is like eating the flesh of the dead brother.

11.      A backbiter will be tormented in the grave.

12.      A backbiter was peeling his face and chest again and again with his copper nails.

13.      A backbiter was being made to eat the flesh cut from his sides.

14.      A backbiter will be resurrected looking like a dog on the Day of Judgement.

15.      A backbiter will be a monkey of Hell.

16.      A backbiter will have to eat his own flesh in Hell.

17.      A backbiter will be running between the boiling water and the blazing fire of Hell asking for death. The dwellers of Hell will also be sick of him.

18.      A backbiter will be the first to enter Hell.


جَلا دے نہ نارِ جہنّم کرم ہو

پئے بادشاہِ اُمم یا اِلٰہی


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب              صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد