Buzurgon Ki Gheebat Say Nafrat

Book Name:Buzurgon Ki Gheebat Say Nafrat

student, the employer or the employee, the buyer or the seller, the foreman or the labourer. Similarly, the rich or the poor, the ruler or his subject, the materialist or the religious person, the old or the young and the ones affiliated to religious organizations or worldly institutions all indulge in committing the sin of backbiting. Alas! Nowadays, due to the habit of idle gossip usually none of our gatherings are safe from backbiting.

Many people, who are apparently pious, indulge in this grave sin. They backbite and listen to the backbiting against others, smile and nod their heads in favour of backbiting. Since backbiting is so widespread, people usually turn a deaf ear to the fact that the one who backbites is not a righteous and pious person, but rather deserving of the fire of Hell.

Now let’s listen to a few such sentences which are commonly spoken in our society, but uttering these sentences without Shar’i permission are considered to be the sins like backbiting, slander, having low opinion or telltale. For examples,

1.            Worldly person

2.            He oppresses his wife.

3.            He is not willing to pay back the loan.

4.            Thief

5.            Treacherous

6.            Faithless

7.            Betrayer

8.            Swindler

9.            boring-natured

10.        Hard-hearted

11.        Disloyal

12.        He is ungrateful

13.        Stupid

14.        Runaway

15.        Unintelligent