Blessed Saints’ Manners of Visiting Madinah

Book Name:Blessed Saints’ Manners of Visiting Madinah

reached the blessed tomb of the Holy Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم and pleaded, ‘اَنَا ضَيۡفُكَ يَا رَسُوۡلَ اللّٰه’ Ya Rasoolallah صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم I am             your guest. Then I fell asleep. In my dream, I saw the Beloved Rasool             صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم who bestowed a piece of bread upon me. I started eating it. I ate half of it in the state of dream. Then I woke up and found the remaining half in my hand. (Misbah-uz-Zalaam, pp. 61)


ہم بھکاری وہ کریم انکا خدا ان سے فَزُوں

اور نہ کہنا نہیں عادت رسولُ الله کی


1.         Sayyiduna Shaykh Abul ‘Abbas Ahmad Bin Nafees رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has        stated: During my stay in Madinah Munawwarah, I once experienced extreme hunger. I humbly reached the blessed tomb of the Holy Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم and I pleaded, ‘Ya Rasoolallah صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم! I am hungry. Suddenly, I fell asleep. Meanwhile, someone awoke me and asked me to come with him. I agreed, so he took me to his house. Serving me with dates, butter and wheat bread, he said, ‘Eat until you are satiated because my blessed ancestor Sayyiduna Muhammad صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has commanded me to be hospitable to you. Come to me whenever you feel hunger in future.’ (Hujjatullahi-‘alal-‘Aalameen, pp. 573)


A’la Hadrat, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه describes the bestowals from the blessed court of the Holy Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم in an extremely beautiful way in the following couplets:


لب وا ہیں آنکھیں بند ہیں پھیلی ہیں جھولیاں       کتنے مزے کی بھیک ترے پاک در کی ہے

منگتا کا ہاتھ اٹھتے ہی داتا کی دَین تھی                دُوری قبول و عرض میں بس ہاتھ بھر کی ہے

(Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish, pp. 226, 228)


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب              صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد