Waham Aur Bad Shuguni

Book Name:Waham Aur Bad Shuguni

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب              صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد


Dear Islamic brothers! Superstition is the disease that deprives a person of his happiness and comfort, and destroys the abilities of his intellect. Those who fall victim to superstition, it seems as if they do not give importance to personages, places, times, signs, dates, days, nights, months or year, etc. They take everything except themselves as a bad omen and hence fall prey to different evils. For example:

Forms of bad omens

They take sometimes a blind, lame or one-eyed person or a disabled person as a bad omen, and sometimes they take a bad omen by seeing a specific bird or animal or by hearing its sound. Sometimes they take a certain time or day or a month as a bad omen. Sometimes if they intend to do something, but someone points out something harmful to them in the method or asks them to stop that thing, they take it as a bad omen by saying: Now you have poked your nose into it, it will not be done.

They take sometimes the sound of ambulance and sometimes the sound of fire brigade as a bad omen. Sometimes they become sad by reading the game of stars published in the newspapers. Sometimes they consider the act of sweeping at home after their guest has left to be ill-omened. While taking off shoes, they sometimes take the act of placing shoes over other shoes as a bad omen. If the right eye twitches, they believe a trouble will come. If the Eid falls on Friday, they consider it very hard for the government.

They sometimes take the crying of a cat and sometimes the crying of a dog in the night as a bad omen. If the first customer goes away without buying anything from the shop, it is taken as a bad omen. If someone passes away after a new bride steps into the home or a woman has only daughters, she is labelled to be ill-omened. They do not allow a pregnant woman to go near a dead body by saying that it will have a bad effect upon the baby. They consider the woman, who becomes widow at a very young age, to be unlucky. They feel that operating scissors without anything brings about quarrel at home. They believe that if someone uses the comb of someone else, it will