Hazrat-e-Isa Ki Mubarak Zindagi

Book Name:Hazrat-e-Isa Ki Mubarak Zindagi

1.         Talking loudly as if you are shouting, as friends do, is not a Sunnah.

2.         With good intentions, make it your habit to talk politely even with a newborn baby. Your manners will improve and the child will also learn good manners.

3.         During a conversation, one should not do anything disgusting such as touching the private parts, removing dirt from the body with the fingers, touching the nose or putting fingers into the ears, nose or repeatedly spitting etc. People are disgusted by such acts.

4.         Calmly continue listening as long as the other person is speaking. Interrupting someone’s conversation is not a Sunnah.

5.         There should be a genuine purpose of the conversation. Always talk to people according to their level of wisdom and awareness.

6.         Avoid foul and indecent talks. Refrain from vulgarism. Remember! Swearing at a Muslim without any Shar’i permission is absolutely Haraam (Fatawa Razawiyyah, vol. 21, pp. 127) and Heaven is Haram on the one engaged in indecent speech. (Kitab-us-Samt, pp. 204, vol. 7, Raqm 325)


To learn various Sunan, obtain the following books, Bahar-e-Shari’ah part 16 comprising of 312 pages and Sunnatayn aur Adaab, comprising of 120   pages, both published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami. One of the best ways to learn Sunan is to travel in the Madani Qafilahs of Dawat-e-Islami with the lovers of the Beloved Rasool.


عاشقانِ رسول، آئیں سنّت کے پھول

دینے لینے چلیں، قافلے میں چلو


[صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب           صَلَّى اللهتَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد