Husn-e-Ikhlaq ki barkatain

Book Name:Husn-e-Ikhlaq ki barkatain

invited me, so I thought that I should also invite you! اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ, a Sunnah-Inspiring Ijtima’ [congregation] of Dawat-e-Islami will be held shortly today at Gulzar-e-Habib Masjid. You are requested to attend it. If you cannot come now, then do come on another day.’ Then Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـه gave him the gift of a bottle of perfume [‘Itr].

After some years, an Islamic brother, who was Sunnah-practising, came to Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـه wearing green ‘Imamah and humbly said like this: Your honour! Some years ago, a young man (مَـعَـاذَ الـلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ) invited you to watch a movie and you showed great patience. Instead of being angry with him, you invited him to attend the Ijtima. I am the same young man. I was really impressed with your great good manners and finally attended the Ijtima one day. Then you showed mercy on me and اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ I repented of my sins and associated myself with the Madani environment.

(Ta’aruf Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, pp. 40)

Dear Islamic brothers! Have you noticed how beautiful individual effort method of Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـه was! If he had become angry at the immoral act of the unwise person, and said something strictly, he would have never achieved such Madani results. Therefore, if you also want to reform Ummah, make good manners, humbleness, patience and politeness part of your nature because bad manners spoil the deeds. The Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has said: Good manners melt sins in a way as water melts the ice and bad manners spoil deeds as vinegar spoils honey. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Kabeer, vol. 10, pp. 319, Hadees 10777)

Let’s listen to a few worldly and religious disadvantages of bad manners.

Religious and worldly disadvantages of bad manners

٭ Bad manners are a curse.

٭Bad manners are themselves a bad practice and also a means of many bad practices. (Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 6, pp. 436)

٭Untruth, dishonesty and breaking promises are all branches of bad manners. (Ibid)