Nigahon ke Hifazat kijiye

Book Name:Nigahon ke Hifazat kijiye

leave so that he could sleep. He said: Please be seated. I am not feeling sleepy, but rather I close my eyes due to the fear that my gaze might fall upon the nurses when they come in front of me. (Mahboob-e-Attar ki 122 Hikayaat, pp. 52)


بولوں نہ فضول اور رہیں نیچی نگاہیں                   آنکھوں کا زباں کا دے خدا قُفلِ مدینہ


سُـبْحٰـنَ الـلّٰــه عَزَّوَجَلَّ, have you heard how sensitive Allah-loving people were regarding protecting their gaze! Despite having power they would try their best to protect themselves from seeing non-Mahram women. They had firm belief that Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ is watching whether anyone else sees or not. Would that we could also get this Madani passion for protecting our gaze and become the one who observes Qufl-e-Madinah of eyes!


One of the best methods of attaining steadfastness in protecting eyes is that we should, from time to time, make our self-accountability. For example, observe Fikr-e-Madinah like this, addressing yourself: O bondman! Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ has bestowed a blessing like eyes upon you. With them you can see whatever you want, but just ponder, how did you use them? For example, did you use them for travelling, learning and teaching Islamic knowledge, reciting the Holy Quran, beholding Baytullah Sharif, Gumbad-e-Khazra, sacred places,  visiting parents and righteous people or مَعَاذَاللہ عَزَّوَجَلَّ for seeing strange (non-mahram) women, Amrads (minor beardless boys) lustfully, open Satr of someone, for watching films and dramas, seeing the pictures of non-Mahram  women etc., printed in newspapers, seeing big advertising hoardings containing pictures of women, for reading someone’s letter or writings without his permission, watching indecent pictures or videos on computer or mobile phone, for peeping into someone’s home, or looking here and there unnecessarily. Regretfully, you were commanded to keep these eyes purified. You should have had the desire to see your Lord, His Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم, blessed Companions and Ahl-e-Bait Athaar رَضِیَ اللهُ تَعَالٰی عَنْهُم, pious saints رَحِمَهُمُ الـلّٰـهُ تَـعَالٰی, and Paradise. For this, it was necessary that your gaze should not have fallen on any Haraam and useless thing in the world. But alas! They no longer