Nigahon ke Hifazat kijiye

Book Name:Nigahon ke Hifazat kijiye

causes us so much pain, what will be our condition if due to unlawful gazing Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ is displeased with us and if a needle of fire is applied in our eyes? Unfortunately, nowadays some unwise people have become so much habitual of unlawful gazing that مَعَاذَاللھ ثُمَّ مَعَاذَ اللھ they do not feel relaxed unless they see non-Mahram women. For this bad cause, they wander in the markets, shopping centres, entertainment places; in short, they wander wherever there is a gathering of non-purdah observing women. Not only do they wander there, but they also gaze unlawfully and destroy their world and the Hereafter. That is why we should ponder over: Have we forgotten our death? Have we got the guarantee of our forgiveness? Have we forgotten the torments inflicted on the previous Ummah? Don’t we learn a lesson by seeing funeral processions daily? Don’t we learn a lesson from the bedridden patients who are suffering terribly? Have we forgotten the narrow and dark grave? Shall we be able to answer the questions of Munker and Nakeer? Shall we not be accounted for our deeds on the Judgment Day?

O the heedless person! For Allah’s sake wake up to the fact!! Dear Islamic brothers! We should wake up to the fact before the angel of death ends our lives forever. So wake up! And also persuade other Islamic brothers to wake up to the fact!! Otherwise, remember, Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ forbid!!!


نہ سمجھو گے تو مٹ جاؤ گے اے مسلمانو!               تمہاری داستاں تک بھی نہ ہوگی داستانو میں


صَلُّوۡ اعَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                                                                   صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Sada-e-Madinah—one of the 12 Madani activities:

Dear Islamic brothers! In order to get rid of the evil of non-observance of purdah, attain the Madani thought of observing Qufl-e-Madinah of eyes and other body parts, become the embodiment of modesty, teach the method of giving mind-set of observing purdah to your family members, associate yourself with the Madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami, the Madani movement of devotees of Rasool. Take part actively in the 12 Madani activities of Zayli Halqah. One of them is ‘Sada-e-Madinah’. To wake-up Muslims for Fajr Salah