Gaflat Ka Anjaam

Book Name:Gaflat Ka Anjaam

Ways of avoiding heedlessness

Dear Islamic brothers! Have you noticed! Our pious predecessors would always keep themselves busy pondering over the Hereafter to protect themselves from heedlessness and greed. Following in their footsteps we should also start preparing for the grave and the Judgment Day in our life. In order to get rid of the disease like heedlessness we should get it cured because a treatment method is adopted in order to stay safe from every disease and one can recover from the disease by treating it. Let’s listen to a few methods of protecting ourselves from a deadly disease like heedlessness and try to make our Hereafter better. 

(1) Avoid worldly love!

At present, a very important reason for not performing virtuous deeds and becoming heedless is the love of this world, which causes a person to stop performing virtuous deeds by making him forget to differentiate between Halal and Haram. Therefore dispel worldly love from your heart because it is the root of all evils. The Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has said: The one who is made to drink the beverage of worldly love will definitely have to taste three things: (1) Such a hardness due to which his tiredness will not go away. (2) Such a greed due to which he will not be free from want. (3) Such a desire that he will not be able to fulfil. So the Hereafter will keep on looking for the one who seeks the world, until he dies. When he dies, it (Hereafter) will grasp him and the world will keep on finding the one who seeks the Hereafter, until he gets his entire sustenance from it. (Tabarani Kabeer, Abdullah Bin Mas’ood, vol. 10, pp. 162, Raqm 10328) 

مرے دل سے دنیا کی چاہت  مٹاکر

کر الفت میں اپنی فنا یاالٰہی

صَلُّوۡ اعَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                                                                   صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

(2) Have good company!

Have the company of pious people in order to get rid of the life of heedlessness, as by virtue of its blessing we will be able to protect ourselves