Gaflat Ka Anjaam

Book Name:Gaflat Ka Anjaam

one day we will have to die and we have to leave this world empty-handed. However, none of us knows when we will die; whether today will be our last day or tonight will be the last night of our life, instead we have no guarantee that whether we will be able to take another breath or not. It may be possible that the breath we are taking is the last one and we will not be able to take the second breath. Very frequently we hear this news that so and so was absolutely alright, he had apparently no disease, but suddenly he departed this life within few moments due to a heart failure. Let’s listen to two admonitory parables in order to wake up to the fact and start performing virtuous deeds after repenting of sins.

(1) Drowned in flood

It has been narrated: A person had constructed his home in an area having flood hazards. When he was asked: It is a very dangerous place; abandon it. He replied: I know it that it is a dangerous place, but the beauty and greenness of this place have greatly surprised me. He was asked: All the beauty and elegance are with the life, therefore save your life and do not put yourself in danger. He said: I will not abandon this place at all costs. Then one night while he was sleeping, a flood came and he drowned in it and died. (‘Uyoon-ul-Hikayaat, pp. 446)

(2) Desire of marriage was ruined:

An intelligent student of final year studying at a medical college of Sardarabad (Faisalabad) went on picnic with his friend. Reaching the picnic point his friend went to the stream to swim, but he started drowning. The doctor of future emotionally jumped into the water in order to save him. He did not know how to swim, and hence got into trouble. Fortunately, his friend succeeded in getting out, but the doctor of future drowned. Lamentation began; the only hope of parents’ old age became a victim of water. The golden dreams of parents could not come true. The miserable intelligent student had entered his grave before the result of MBBS Final examination was announced.

ملے  خاک  میں  اہلِ  شاں  کیسے  کیسے      مکیں  ہو گئے  لا مکاں  کیسے  کیسے