Dunya Ne Hame Kiya Diya ?

Book Name:Dunya Ne Hame Kiya Diya ?

Earning money and then spending it on illnesses

A man becomes loyal to the world throughout his life; for earning money he works hard day and night, does part-time job and works 20 hours a day. In short, he spends his day by thinking that he has to earn money; he spends his night by having a desire to earn money; his heart beats with the same desire that he has to earn money; he takes steps with the same curiosity that he has to earn money. But alas! The money for which he does not care for health, works overtime, wastes precious months and years of his life, works very hard day and night and does not bother about Halal and Haraam; the very same money is spent on his illnesses later on. Of course! When a person becomes old, he starts suffering from different diseases. Now neither can he do anything for the world, nor for the Hereafter.

Do not forget death

Giving warning about the mischiefs of the world, Imam Muhammad Ghazali رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has written with reference to a pious person: O people! Perform virtuous deeds in this spare time and keep fearing Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ. Do not be happy with hopes and nor forget your death. Do not get attracted to the world; undoubtedly, it is deceitful and comes before you after being adorned and puts you in mischief [Fitnah] by its desires. The world becomes adorned for its followers as a bride gets adorned. The world has killed its so many lovers and disgraced those who wanted to get satisfaction from it. Therefore see it from the viewpoint of reality because it is a place full of troubles. Its Creator has condemned it; its new gets old and the one who desires for it also dies. May Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ have mercy on you!

Wake up to the fact and open your eyes from sleep (of heedlessness) before this announcement is made: So-and-so is ill and his illness has become severe. Is there any medicine for him? Or is there any way by which he can be taken to a doctor? Now Hakeems [and doctors] are called for you, but the hope of cure dies. It is then said: So-and-so has made a will and counted his money. Then it is said: Now he has lost his speaking ability; now he does not talk to his brothers and recognize his neighbours. Now your forehead is perspiring; the voice of people weeping has started coming and you have