Faizan-e-Imam Azam

Book Name:Faizan-e-Imam Azam


Further important Madani pearls about ‘treating others with kindness’ will be mentioned during the Tarbiyyati Halqahs. So, please attend the Tarbiyyati Halqahs to learn about these Madani pearls.

٭   Parents hold the greatest status in treating relatives with kindness.

٭   One can treat his relatives with kindness in different ways. For example, giving them gifts, providing them help if they need it, saying Salam to them, meeting them, talking to them and treating them gracefully and nicely. (Durad, vol. 1, pp. 323)

٭   One should meet his relatives on alternate days or with gaps, as appropriate, as it will develop affection. One can also meet his relatives weekly or monthly. The whole family and community should be united. One should also help his relatives when they are in the right in any issue. All of them should favour the truth with unity. (Durad, vol. 1, pp. 323)

٭   Kind treatment does not only mean treating those relatives kindly who have treated you kindly. This is actually an ‘exchange of treatment’. For example, sending a gift to the relative who has sent you a gift or going to the house of one who comes to yours. In actual fact, kind treatment means establishing ties with one who cuts off ties with you and caring about the relative who ignores you and stays away from you.

(Rad-dul-Muhtar, vol. 9, pp. 678)