Jahannam Say Bachany Waly Aamal

Book Name:Jahannam Say Bachany Waly Aamal

pious people. (2) The Holy Quran is superior to all revealed books because the date of the revelation of the Torah and the Bible did not attain this greatness. (Noor-ul-Irfan, Ayah 3, pp. 990)


Dear Islamic brothers! Shab-e-Qadr is a very great night; it is the night of goodness, the night of mercy, the night in which Dua’s are heard, the night of forgiveness. Layla-tul-Qadr is an extremely blessed night. It is called Layla-tul-Qadr because the commandments of the whole year are enforced in it. In other words, angels record whatever is going to happen the following year in registers. It is stated in Tafseer-e-Saawi on page 2398, volume 6:


اَيۡ اِظۡهَارُ هَا فِيۡ دَوَاوِيۡنِ الۡمَلَاءِ الۡاَعۡلٰي

Translation: It (destiny) is mentioned in the registers of the chosen angels.


This blessed night also possesses several other virtues. A renowned commentator of the Holy Quran, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has stated: This night is called Layla-tul-Qadr for a few reasons:

1     In this night, the tasks of the following year are set and then assigned to the angels. Qadr refers to either destiny or respect, that is, the night of respect.

2      The respectful Holy Quran was revealed during this night.

3     The worship performed during this night has great Qadr (Value).

4      Qadr also means ‘narrowness’, that is, Angels descend during this night in such a great number that the earth becomes crowded with them. For these reasons, it is called Shab-e-Qadr, i.e. the night of Qadr. (Mawa’iz-e-Na’imiyyah, pp. 62)


It is stated in a Hadees of Sahih Bukhari, ‘All the previous sins of the person, who worships with faith and sincerity during this night, will be forgiven.’

(Sahih Bukhari, pp. 660, vol. 1, Hadees 2014)