Badshogooni Haram Hai

Book Name:Badshogooni Haram Hai

pits of destruction. It is determined to completely destroy our worldly life as well as the life of the Hereafter. It has various harmful effects. Perhaps the majority of us are not even aware of these harmful effects.

   *A very big harm of bad omen is that those falling prey to it weaken their trust and reliance on Allah Almighty. Instead of trusting Allah Almighty, they rely on those materialistic things that are associated with a bad omen. Besides this,

   *One falling prey to bad omen develops evil presumption about Allah Almighty.

   *He starts losing faith in taqdeer (destiny).

   *Along with it, doors of satanic whispers also open up.

   *Bad omen makes a person superstitious, coward, fearful, low-courageous and narrow-hearted.  

   *When he fails in any task, then he becomes extremely disappointed. Whereas, there can be various reasons for failing in a certain matter. For example, method of performing the work not being proper, working at a wrong time at a wrong place, lack of experience etc.; but a person used to bad omen will consider misfortune as the reason for his failure and hence, remains deprived of his own reformation. Because he does not realize his own shortcomings and makes any black cat or dog responsible for every shortcoming of his.

   *At times, relationships break due to bad omen and then, having strained relations make life unpleasant.

   *Those who fall prey to bad omen, everything seems to be inauspicious to them. If they leave the house for a certain task and a black cat crosses them, then they develop the mindset that now we will not succeed in our task and return home. A person goes to open his shop early in the morning. An accident takes place on the way. He establishes that today is