Eman Ki Hifazat

Book Name:Eman Ki Hifazat

If we want to keep our Iman intact at the time of departing from this world, then we will have to refrain from all those actions that serve as the cause of destroying one’s Iman. We will have to refrain from all those actions due to which, a person gets deprived of this great treasure. Let’s listen about some of the actions that serve as the cause of destroying one’s Iman. Alongside it, let’s also make the intention that we will try our utmost to refrain from such evil actions that become a cause for the destruction of Iman. May Allah Almighty keep our Iman safe. Let’s hear about some of the actions that could destroy one’s Iman.

1.Adopting bad company

Dear Islamic brothers, adopting bad company and hanging around with the people of corrupt beliefs can be harmful for one’s Iman. The way it is destructive to hang around with drunkards, gamblers and transgressors, similarly, keeping up ties with the people of corrupt beliefs, listening to their speeches, reading their books, listening to their audio and video speeches or sharing them to others through social media, eating with them or establishing relationships with them can also be fatal for one’s Iman. Moreover, it is a cause of severe destruction of one’s dunya (world) and the Hereafter.

Therefore, it is very important to keep a good company and hang around with those who possess the fear of Allah Almighty. But alas! Some unwise Muslims are becoming used to hanging around with bad friends, spending hours chatting to them, messing around with them and being involved in non-serious activities with them. The curse of evil company has dominated them such that every moment of theirs is being spent in heedlessness from the remembrance of Allah Almighty.

They miss their Salah but have no concern over it. They spend hours in those useless gatherings but they don’t care about it. They carry useless and obscene conversation with their friends and at times, they even utter sentences of Kufr that destroy one’s Iman but they are not even aware of it.