Wuzu Kay Tibbi Fawaid

Book Name:Wuzu Kay Tibbi Fawaid

different other types of germs enter the nose through breathing. Sniffing water into the nose approximately 15 times a day during Wudu can protect us from germs and the dangerous diseases caused by smoke. Similarly, lungs need the air that is free from germs and smoke containing 80% moisture. For providing us with such air Allah Almighty has blessed us with the blessing of nose. By virtue of putting water into the nose during Wudu we become safe from countless diseases. For the patients who are suffering from a chronic cold and have wounds in their nose it is very effective to sniff water into the nose like done during Wudu. As per the experts who treat patients with water, putting water into the nose improves vision.

Dear Islamic brothers! Some people try different home remedies and prescriptions and apply expensive creams on their faces in order to improve the beauty and give freshness to their faces and to get rid of acne and pimples from their faces so that they can have artificial beauty on their faces. Remember! By using home remedies and prescriptions and applying expensive creams a person’s face glows for the time being, but later on due to using them wrinkles, pustules, acne and pimples and very strange spots appear on the face which cause great pain and due to them the face instead of becoming beautiful becomes ugly. Wudu is an excellent prescription for improving the beauty of the face and for giving freshness to the face because the face is washed three times during Wudu by virtue of which not only the beauty of the face increases, but by virtue of the blessing of it many other medical benefits are also obtained. Let’s listen to some medical benefits of washing face during Wudu and gain blessings of staying in the state of Wudu.

Medical benefits of washing face

By moving hands three times on the face during Wudu not only the brain feels relaxed, but the face also brightens and skin grows soft. Smoke, dust, etc., are cleaned from the face giving attraction, beauty and awe to the face. It comforts the parts of eyes and eyes become beautiful. A European doctor has written a thesis named ‘Eye Water Heath’. In this thesis, he has stressed that eyes should be washed many times a day, otherwise a person can suffer from dangerous illnesses. If someone washes his face many times a day, pimples either do not appear or few pimples appear on his face. According to