Wuzu Kay Tibbi Fawaid

Book Name:Wuzu Kay Tibbi Fawaid

Medical benefits of Miswak from scientific perspective

٭ According to a research of a famous company of America, Miswak has the capability to kill any harmful bacteria 20 percent more than any other method.

٭ According to a research of Swedish scientists, the bristles of Miswak kill bacteria directly without touching them and protect teeth from many diseases.

٭ In the published research of US National Library of Medicine it is stated that if a Miswak is used correctly, it is the best source of cleaning teeth, mouth and of the health of gums.

٭ According to research, the gums of the people who have a habit of using Miswak bleed very less.

٭ In a session about teeth in America it has been said that Miswak contains such substances which protect teeth from growing weak. Miswak is the most beneficial amongst all the medicines which are used in cleaning teeth.

٭ Miswak removes the layer which has stuck to teeth. 

٭ Miswak protects teeth from wear and tear.

٭ When the patient who cannot bring up phlegm due to having chronic cold and flu uses Miswak, he starts getting rid of phlegm which relaxes his mind.

٭ Experiments and researches have proved that Miswak is the best cure for chronic cold. (Miswak Shareef kay Fazail, pp. 7 - 8)

Blessing of Miswak! Will continue. اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ  

Blessing of Miswak! Will continue. اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ 

Treatment of gastric acidity and mouth blisters by Miswak

Some types of mouth blisters are developed by stomach heat and acidity.  One of them is that whose germs spread. For this rub fresh Miswak in the