Aala Hazrat Ka Aala Kirdar

Book Name:Aala Hazrat Ka Aala Kirdar

supported and made to excel in that very field. This way, some of them should be made into teachers, some into preachers and some into writers. Thereupon, there should be further division among the writers too. Some should have expertise in another field and some should have in another.

5. Saying of A’la Hadrat à Whoever among them gets ready [i.e. qualifies as a scholar] shall be paid salary and spread across the country so that he may spread Islam through his writings, speeches and Dars o Bayan.

٭ According to the aforementioned principle, if we talk about engaging students in rendering services according to their capabilities, then if any Madani Islamic brother who graduates from the Jami’a-tul-Madinah of Dawat-e-Islami, the Madani movement of the devotees of Rasool, and is interested and capable in teaching, then he is made to do Tadreesi course [teaching course] and then is appointed as a teacher in Jami’a-tul-Madinah.

The Madani Islamic brother who has the desire and capability of becoming a Mufti is made to acquire expertise in the field of Shar’i rulings and then is made to practice to write Fatawa. After being successful in all these stages, then he is given the opportunity to render his services in Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat.

Those Madani scholar Islamic brothers who are capable of writing books and doing research work are given an opportunity to render their services in the scholastic and research based department “Al-Madinah-tul-‘Ilmiyyah”.

Madani scholars are taught English, Arabic, Chinese and other languages and sent to the Jami’aat, Madaris, Masajid and Daar-us-Sunnah of different countries. Up to now, more than 100 Madani scholars are rendering their services abroad.

6. Saying of A’la Hadrat: Those who have the capability of writing books should be given financial incentives and should be made to write useful books and booklets supporting the religion and refuting the heretics [people with corrupt beliefs].