Museebaton Per Sabr Ka Zehin Kaisey Banay

Book Name:Museebaton Per Sabr Ka Zehin Kaisey Banay

سُـبْحٰـنَ الـلّٰــه عَزَّوَجَلَّ! You have heard that how amazingly the righteous people of Allah Almighty would observe patience over facing calamities. Upon being inflicted with severe calamities, they would still remain content upon the Will of Allah Almighty instead of becoming grieved or distressed. Moreover, they remain content in the times of calamities the way ordinary people remain content over receiving worldly blessings.

The aforementioned parable contains Madani pearls of advice for especially those Islamic sisters who keep complaining such as:

٭ We are facing so-and-so disease or problem from a very long time. To get this problem removed, we keep making Du’as imploringly and ask others to make Du’a for us too. We even invoke Awraad-o-Wazaaif for it. We even offer Salah punctually and fast persistently.

٭ We also give Sadaqah. We also provide food to hungry people. We attend the Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’s too.

٭ But instead of problems getting removed, they keep increasing. Enough is enough. We have observed enough patience. We cannot observe any further patience now.


Similarly, some Islamic sisters even say to the extent that ‘I don’t know what sin have I committed. What sin did I commit that I am being punished for?’

Dear Islamic sisters! Woe on them who say that ‘I don’t know what sin have I committed. What sin did I commit that I am being punished for’, despite spending every moment of their in sins.  

Isn’t missing Salah a sin? Isn’t missing Fard fasts of blessed Ramadan without a lawful Shar’i reason a sin? Isn’t hurting Muslims’ feelings without a lawful Shar’i reason a sin? Isn’t harming someone through magic a sin? Isn’t non-payment of Zakah despite it being Fard a sin? Isn’t disobeying parents a sin? Isn’t dealing in interest a sin? Isn’t taking over an orphan’s wealth unlawfully a sin? Isn’t harming someone through lying and deception a sin? Isn’t deceiving in the assets of Zakah and destroying one’s Hereafter a sin? Isn’t committing suicide and falling prey to an eternal destruction a sin? Isn’t it a