Museebaton Per Sabr Ka Zehin Kaisey Banay

Book Name:Museebaton Per Sabr Ka Zehin Kaisey Banay

Alas! Due to the lack of knowledge, we don’t find many people in our society possessing a Madani mind-set of observing patience. It seems as if every other person has fallen prey to being impatient in one way or the other. For example, due to the lack of Islamic knowledge, some people observe so much impatience upon the death of their young child that they مَـعَـاذَ الـلّٰـه even end up uttering sentences of Kufr [disbelief].

٭ People become impatient if their operation became unsuccessful.

٭ People become impatient if they fall ill.

٭ People become impatient if they lose something.

٭ People become impatient upon electricity failure.

٭ People become impatient if water supply is stopped.

٭ People become impatient if generator develops any fault.

٭ People become impatient if there is a delay in receiving their committee[1].

٭ People become impatient if there is a traffic jam.

٭ People become impatient if there are more or less spices in food.

٭ People become impatient if something sour enters their mouth.

٭ People become impatient if they get plain or salty water instead of cold or sweet water.

٭ People become impatient if they don’t get their breakfast or meal on time.

٭ People become impatient if there is an increase in cold or heat.



[1] In the subcontinent, the word ‘committee’ is also used in the sense of an agreement among a fixed number of people, called committee members, who all pay an equal amount of money each month. The total amount deposited by all members is given to only one member each month either by a draw or one by one in a predetermined order. This continues until all members get their full money back.