Naikiyon Ki Hirs Kaisy Paida Ki Jay

Book Name:Naikiyon Ki Hirs Kaisy Paida Ki Jay

tour the city. Along with exposing his awe and dignity, he would also get an opportunity to help out the poor.

On his way back, he saw a beggar close to his palace sitting on one side carelessly wearing old clothes. The king asked him in a polite manner: ‘Tell me your need so I may fulfil it.’ The beggar burst out laughing. The king asked a bit harshly: ‘What’s there to laugh about? Tell me your desire. I will make you rich straightaway.’ The beggar replied: ‘Your Highness! You are offering me as if you can fulfil every desire of mine.’ The king angrily said: ‘Indeed, I can fulfil any desire of yours. I am an extremely powerful king. There is no such desire of yours that I cannot fulfil. ‘The beggar took out a begging bowl and said: ‘If you are so proud over your wealth, then fill this bowl up.’

The king looked at the bowl with amazement. It was an ordinary black coloured empty wooden bowl. Pointing at one of his ministers, he called him over and ordered him: ‘Fill this bowl up with gold coins. The beggar will remember for rest of his life that which generous king’s court he went to.’

Obeying the command, the minister opened up a pouch filled with gold coins that was tied around his waist and emptied it in the beggar’s bowl. But the coins suddenly disappeared. The minister looked in the bowl out of astonishment and then opened up another pouch and put it in the bowl. The coins disappeared this time too.

Upon the gesture of the king, the minister sent soldiers to bring some pouches containing gold coins from the palace. Those pouches also vanished but the bowl remained empty as before. Seeing this, the king called for a bag full of precious jewels from the treasure. That too vanished.

Now, the king’s face went all pale. Being stubborn, he said to the minister: ‘Bring more bags. Put whatever we have in this bowl. This bowl shall fill up at any cost.’ The minister did exactly as he was instructed.

The afternoon fell but the bowl remained empty like before because anything that would be poured into the bowl would immediately vanish and the bowl