Madinah Kay Fazail Ma Yaad-e-Madinah

Book Name:Madinah Kay Fazail Ma Yaad-e-Madinah

‘Difference (of opinion) of my Ummah is mercy.’[1] And as far as leaving Madinah and going with you is concerned, then there is no way for this either because the Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has said: ‘Madinah is better for them if they understand.’[2] In one narration, it is stated: “Madinah removes the dirt (of sins) like a furnace removes the rust of iron.’[3] Then, he رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه said to caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed: “Here are your Dinars. If you want, you may take them and if you want, you may leave them.” I.e. you bound me to leave Madinah because you treated me nicely, then (listen!) I do not prioritise this world over Madinah. (Ihya-ul-Uloom, vol. 1, pp. 113; summarised)


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب              صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Dear Islamic sisters! Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, ‘Allamah, Maulana, Muhammad Ilyas ‘Attar Qaadiri دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ has attained the privilege of travelling for Hajj and visiting Madinah many times. His entire feelings during this journey cannot be depicted. However, let’s listen to the brief account of one of the journeys of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ to Madinah-e-Munawwarah.

Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat’s journey to Madinah-e-Munawwarah

When the blessed moments of him leaving for Madinah-e-Munawwarah approached, then the devotees of Prophet were present at the airport to see him off. The devotees of Madinah encircled him and started reciting Na’ats. Na’ats filled with the love of the Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم ignited the flame of devotion of the devotees of Madinah further. The sighs and sobbing in the love of Madinah were making the entire environment emotional. The state of the devotee of Madinah, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ, was also very devoting one. Tears were flowing from his eyes. Finally, in the same state, the journey towards Madinah commenced. As the destination was approaching,



[1] (Jami’-ul-Usool, vol. 1, pp. 121)

[2] (Muslim, Hadees 1363, pp. 710)

[3] (Muslim, Hadees. 1381, pp. 716; Hilya-tul-Awliya, vol. 6, pp. 361, Hadees 8942)