
Book Name:Seerat-e-Usman-e-Ghani

Fard. It is also mandatory to keep refraining from sins and being punctual upon Mustahabbat is also a Mustahab act of the highest rank. So based on this, steadfastness is of three types:

   ۔1Steadfastness on Iman à The likes of Sayyiduna Bilal, Sayyiduna Abu Zar Ghifari and various other blessed companions عَـلَيْهِمُ الرِّضْوَانْ who had to go through severe tests after embracing Iman but they remained determined on Iman. And as soon as we talk about steadfastness on Iman today, names of these noble personalities come to our minds.

   ۔2Steadfastness on Fard acts à Steadfastness on Fard acts means that they shall never be missed, such as offering Salah.

   ۔3Steadfastness on Mustahabbat à Steadfastness on Mustahab actions means that they shall always be performed. Such as reciting the Holy Quran, Zikr, Durood, Sadaqah, good mannerism, politeness, offering Tahajjud, etc. Allah Almighty also loves this type of steadfastness.

O devotees of Rasool! We hear and read the word ‘steadfastness’ many times but we need to ponder upon ourselves as well whether we are steadfast in performing virtuous actions and refraining from sins? Being overtaken with emotions, we temporarily start offering Nawafil, reciting the Holy Quran, doing Zikr, reciting Durood, delivering Dars and studying (religious) books, but within a few days, all our emotions fade away and actions come to an end.

Similarly, we make a firm intention in the month of Ramadan, in Ijtima or while becoming a disciple to abandon sins and also succeed in it for a few days, but few days later, same sins are committed at their peak and we indulge ourselves in sins.

Dear Islamic sisters! Specially the responsible Islamic sisters of Dawat-e-Islami and in general all Islamic sisters who try to spread call towards righteousness but get disappointed very quickly due to lack of support and abandon it. They give up and deprive themselves from the reward of the great Madani activity “inviting towards the good”.