Dukhyari Ummat Ki Khairkhuwahi

Book Name:Dukhyari Ummat Ki Khairkhuwahi

with such passion of carrying out the welfare of Muslims and may we also always be ready for their welfare.

Remember! Removing Islamic sisters’ difficulty and helping them out at the time of hardship is a great privilege. Therefore, once you find out any of your Mahram relatives, acquaintances, work colleagues or any Muslim, whether you know her or not, facing any kind of hardship, then do help her out as per your capability for the pleasure of Allah Almighty. By virtue of its blessings, you will not only earn reward but it will also be extremely helpful in creating a peaceful society, اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه.

Under the Hadees اَلدِّیْنُ نَصِیْحَۃٌ i.e. Deen is only looking after the welfare of Muslims. (Muslim, Kitab-ul-Iman, Baab Bayan-ud-Deen An-Naseeha, pp. 51, Hadeeth: 196) Mentioned on page no. 231 of the book “Muntakhab Hadeesayn”, published by Maktaba-tul-Madina, it is stated:    

“Wishing good for others” and “carrying out the welfare of” every Muslim carry very comprehensive meaning. Moreover, the true fact is that “carrying out the welfare of every Muslim” is such a noble act that if every Muslim starts acting upon this very prophetic teaching holding it to be dearer than even his own soul, then the state of the deteriorated Muslim society will suddenly change and the “Muslim society” will become such an example of peace and tranquillity that it will start reflecting the peace and tranquillity of Paradise in this very world.

It is obvious that when every Muslim will make this aim of her life that I will look after the welfare of every Muslim, then ill-habits like fraud, incurring loss for others, oppression, jealousy, quarrelling, enmity, hatred, ill-will and harming others will all fade away.

Neither will one think negative about the other nor will any Muslim cheat the other Muslim. Neither will one indulge in taletelling and backbiting and nor will she accuse the other. Neither will one let any aspect of oppression enter his heart and nor will she create hurdles in someone’s successful affairs. On the contrary, she would wish good for everyone and will do good for everyone. The natural outcome of this practice would be that people would also look after her welfare and do good to her. Moreover, she will also