Narmi Kaisy Paida Karain

Book Name:Narmi Kaisy Paida Karain

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب           صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Dear Islamic sisters! You heard the importance of politeness and how much Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ loves politeness. Whichever thing has politeness in it, it becomes beautiful, whereas that Islamic sister who is deprived of politeness, always remains angry, scolds others over little things and disgraces and embarrasses people in front of everyone when they make a mistake. No matter how much worship that Islamic sister carries out, how many Tahajjud she performs, she may fast all year round, no matter if she stands in worship and recitation all night, but if she is of a strict nature and she hurts the feelings of another Islamic sisters for no reason, then on the Day of Judgement, she can be held accountable for these acts. Remember! Whilst in the state of anger, hurting another Islamic sister and disgracing and embarrassing them in front of other Islamic sisters’ is Haraam and an act that could lead to Hell. Nowadays, in our society, making a joke of someone, (whether in the state of anger or as a joke), disgracing her in front of other Islamic sisters’, criticising her in abundance and laughing at what she says is not considered a bad act at all. That Islamic sister being laughed at, many a time, joins in with the rest of the Islamic sisters and laughs with them. In this situation, the cursed devil satisfies everyone that she is also laughing with you, whereas that Islamic sister is not happy at all. Rather, it could be that she is laughing so that she hides her shame and within, her heart is probably breaking to bits. Therefore, we must refrain from such an act, which could hurt another Islamic sister and if someone speaks to us in a harsh manner, instead of being angry instantly, we must be polite and try to rectify that Islamic sister. Let’s listen to a parable with regard to this:

Sweet words

Once, pious person رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه from Khurasan received an order in his dream to invite the people of Tatari towards Islam. At that time, Halaaku’s son Tagudar was the ruler. Hence, the pious person رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه travelled to meet Tagudar. When he saw the pious person, who had a beard according to Sunnah, he