Baap Jannat Ka Darmiyani Darwaza He

Book Name:Baap Jannat Ka Darmiyani Darwaza He

is contrary to it. Why? Of course, how can the parents who are unaware of the basic Islamic rules of bringing up a child, who is not practising and who is deprived of the blessings of good environment, give good upbringing to their child? Perhaps that’s why nowadays the standard of bringing up a child has become this that if a child does not work, takes a day off from his school, coaching centre, tuition or academy or becomes lazy in this matter, does not listen to his parents when they ask him to attend a ceremony or wear a specific dress and shoes, asks many questions or becomes stubborn in many other worldly matters, he is scolded, advised for many hours, even he is beaten. On the contrary, if the same child misses Salah or does not offer Salah with Jama’at, takes a day off or goes to Madrasah or Jami’ah late, wanders the whole night, watches films and dramas, listens to songs and music, adopts impermissible fashion, does not care about Halal and Haraam, backbites, spends money on useless acts, and commits many other evils, the parents do not ask anything about these matters even they do not frown.

It has also been observed that if someone corrects the children, their parents say: ‘They are very young now’, ‘they are unwise’, ‘they will understand with the passage of time, ‘we should not become so much strict with children’, etc. When the children who are deprived of Islamic upbringing, who are given too much love and who are given too much freedom bring shame on their father, mother, family and the society, when they stare their father and mother upon being scolded and not given money, when they scold their parents or beat them, that time the parents start recalling the pieces of advice of their well-wishers. Now the same parents start  becoming anxious for their children’s reform, make Du’as and request others to make Du’a for them, but there is no way to reform them because they have gone too far and their parents are left with nothing but regret. It means due to a little heedlessness of parents precious pearls are lost.

Due to not giving proper upbringing and giving too much freedom to children the parents have to face great problems. Let’s listen to two admonitory parables about it.