Baap Jannat Ka Darmiyani Darwaza He

Book Name:Baap Jannat Ka Darmiyani Darwaza He

Dear Islamic sisters! Serving father is a very great privilege and an excellent source of pleasing Allah Almighty. Let’s listen to a faith-refreshing parable in relation to the kinds of gifts and blessings Allah Almighty blesses a person in return for looking after father:

Gift for looking after father

On page 14 of ‘Allah walon ki Baatayn’ volume 4, a book published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, it is stated: A person had four sons. When he fell ill one of them said: Either you three look after the father and do not take anything from his inheritance or let me look after him, I will not take anything from his inheritance. All three said: You look after him and do not take anything from his inheritance. So he kept on looking after his sick father until his death and did not take anything from the inheritance. One night he saw a dream in which he heard someone saying: Go to such-and-such a place and get 100 dinars [i.e. gold coins] from there. The man asked: Does it have blessing? The answer was ‘No’. The next morning he related the dream to his wife. The wife said: You take the dinars. The blessing of these dinars is that we will get our clothes stitched with them and spend them on our life. The man refused to do so. The next night again he heard someone saying: Go to such-and-such a place and get 10 dinars. He asked: Does it have blessing? The reply was negative. In the morning, he related this dream to his wife, the wife said like she did before, but he again refused to take them. The third night he again saw a dream in which he heard: ‘Go to such-and-such a place and get one dinar from there.’ He asked: ‘Does it have blessing?’ ‘Yes’, came the reply. The man went, took the dinar and went to the market. He found a man who was holding two fishes. He asked their price. The man replied, ‘One dinar’. He bought both the fishes for one dinar and went away. When he reached home he split the bellies of both and found such a pearl from both which people had never seen. On the other hand, the king sent a person to find and buy the same kind of pearl. That person found the same pearl with the man. The man sold the pearl for 30 mules loaded with gold. When the king saw the pearl, he said: It will benefit only when there will be another one like this. The king then said to his servants: Find another one like it even if you have to pay double for it. They went to the same man and said: If you have another pearl like the pearl which we bought from you, give us. We will