Baap Jannat Ka Darmiyani Darwaza He

Book Name:Baap Jannat Ka Darmiyani Darwaza He

a deaf ear to his advice by scolding him. If a father says some hard words for the betterment of his children, children frown at him and talk rudely to him.

As long as a father earns money, children like him very much, but as he falls ill, is not able to work, makes any decision against the temperament of his children, forbids his children to do any work that is harmful to them, children do not understand. If a father is unable to give them money or gets old, so the importance of the father for his children does not remain less than any useless thing.

After the death of mother, father’s life usually becomes boring and he feels lonely. In a situation like this he greatly needs the sympathy of his children, but children become engrossed in themselves so much that they have no time even for inquiring after their father. The mistreatment that is especially committed to parents after the marriage is something very frightening and terrible. Father spends hundreds of thousands of rupees on the marriages of his children, but after getting married his children make his life terrible.

Parents nourish their children with great care and elegance, tearfully beg them from Allah Almighty, spend their life savings on their treatment, request pious people to make Du’as for them, but unfortunately one day the same children displease them, hurt their feelings and kick them out of their home or leave them in the Old House.

In the Old House the memories of the moments which they [parents] have spent with their children torment them and make them weep a lot. Everyday parents hope: Today my children whom I have nourished with great hardship and difficulty, for whom I sacrificed my good night’s sleep when they were undergoing treatment for their illness; whose attractive voice would make my tiredness of the entire day go away will come to take me; will take me home, but unfortunately, days and nights continue to pass; no one comes and nor do they receive any phone calls.

It is a well-known saying, ‘As you sow so shall you reap’! Today if we treat our father badly, it is possible that tomorrow our children will also give us the same treatment.