Tabarukat Ki Barakaat

Book Name:Tabarukat Ki Barakaat

moment, the king thought to himself: “If the Wali picks up the biggest and best-coloured apple and gives it to me, then I will understand that he is definitely a Wali. The Wali picked up that same apple and said: We went to Misr (Egypt). There were lots of people gathered in one area. We saw that one person had a donkey whose eyes were covered with a ribbon. An item of one person was put next to another person. The donkey is then asked about the item, at which the donkey goes around the whole Majlis, and wherever the item is, it drops its head. The pious person then said: I narrated this parable because if I do not give the apple to you, then I am not a Wali and if I do give the apple to you, then what skill have I shown that’s greater than that donkey? Saying this, he threw the apple towards the king. (Bad Gumani, pp. 35)

Dear Islamic sisters! We should have no doubts about holy relics. Remember! A Wali strictly abides by the rules of Shari’ah. A person with very long hair, who wears a lot of rings and does not offer Salah, then how can he be a Wali? Also, remember this! A Wali is an ‘Aalim (Islamic scholar). If you read the stories of Data Sahib, Khuwajah Sahib, Ghaus-e-Pakرَحِمَهُمُ الـلّٰـه  or any other famous pious person, you will find one thing common in their biographies that the early stages of their lives were spent in gaining the knowledge of Islam.

Remember! There are many benefits of thinking positive, whereas there are many harmful effects of evil presumption. Alas! There are many people that are more inclined towards having evil presumption as compared to good thoughts. There are scenes of evil presumption upon every matter. If we ring someone and they don’t pick up, then evil presumption is made. If the son’s attention towards the mother decreases, then evil presumption about the daughter-in-law is made. If our organisational responsibility has been ended or changed due to our own lack of progress or in the light of organizational policy, then evil presumptions are made about other responsible Islamic sisters. If the arrangements for an ijtima’ is weak, then evil presumptions are made about responsible Islamic sisters for the arrangements. If someone is swaying in the love for the Prophet صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم whilst listening to a Bayan/Ijtima’ or crying due to remembering her own sins, then evil presumption is made. If responsible Islamic sister narrates a story of her own for persuasion of her sub-ordinate Islamic sisters or for expressing gratitude,