Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

Book Name:Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

is Haraam and an act leading to Hell. Therefore every Muslim should always be cautious in this matter and should not sever ties with his relatives but rather he should always make efforts to maintain relations with them and ensure that their relationship never comes to an end. Some people are heard saying: ‘We will only maintain relations with those relatives who keep relations with us, and we will sever relations with those who also sever relations with us.’ Saying this and adopting this manner both are contrary to Islam. (He has further said): There is only one permissible condition of severing ties with relatives and that condition is to sever ties based on a religious reason for example, no matter how close a relative is, if he becomes an apostate, goes astray or become heretic, then it is Wajib to sever ties with him or if a relative is indulged in major sin, and does not abstain from it even after he is prevented but rather he adamantly remains indulged in committing sins then it is necessary to cut ties with him because keeping ties with him and cooperating with him is like taking part in his major sin and this act is not permissible at all. (Bahisht ki Kunjiyan, pp. 197, summarised)

However, if you do not help such a person at all in her acts of sins and there is no risk of developing of ominousness of sins then it is not Wajib to sever ties with her and if possible she must call her to righteousness so that she may keep away from committing sins.

Dear Islamic sisters! While talking about relatives, it must be kept in mind that who is Mahram and who isn’t. Those who are non-mahram relatives they should be dealt according to the bounds defined by Shariah. Remember! Shari’ah has mentioned the rights of all the people; but be it parents, sister, brother, their rights will only be fulfilled if the rights are in accordance to the Shari’ah otherwise none of them will be obeyed and nor will the relation be maintained; instead, Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ and His Prophet صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم will be obeyed. We should always keep this principle in mind and act upon it in every situation.

The blessings of Islam

Dear Islamic sisters! As time passes, the greatness and eminence of Islam is increasing speedily. Even today, Islam is welcoming those who have deviated from the right path and those who have lost in the darkness of disbelief.