Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

Book Name:Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

soft heart, and request humbly that, ‘O my Lord! Have mercy on them both, just as they brought me up in my childhood.’

[Kanz-ul-Iman (translation of Quran)] (Part 15, Surah Bani Israel, Ayah 23, 24)

On page 92 to 94 of Jannati Zaywar, a book published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, it has been written:

1. Beware! Beware! Do not cause any kind of inconvenience to your parents by any of your sayings and actions. Even if they oppress you to some extent, it is still obligatory for you not to hurt their feelings at all in all states.

2. Respect your parents by every word and every action of yours and always take care of their respect.

3. Obey the orders of your parents in every permissible action.

4. If your parents need anything, look after them by using your time and wealth.

5. If your parents take anything from your wealth and possessions out of need, never mind it, and nor express your anger towards them, but rather consider that you and entire wealth of yours all belong to your parents.

It is stated in a blessed Hadees: The Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم said to a person: ‘اَنْتَ وَ مَالُکَ لِاَبِیْکَe.g. You and your wealth all belong to your father. (Ibn-e-Majah, vol. 3, pp. 81, Hadees 2292)

6. If parents pass away, it is their right on children to keep making Du’as for their forgiveness. They should also keep conveying the reward of their Nafl acts of worship and charity to their souls. They should keep sending the reward to their souls after reciting Fatihah over food and sweet items, etc.

7. Pay off your parents’ debts or act upon their wills after their death.

8. Do not perform the act which used to cause pain to your parents when they were alive even after their death as it will inflict pain on their souls.