Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

Book Name:Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

Remember! Allah Almighty has created the same affection and love in the heart of the elder brother for his younger brothers and sisters as He has created in the heart of the father. In the presence of the father, the elder brother takes care of younger siblings and fulfils their needs. If the father passes away, the elder brother carries his responsibilities in a good manner. All these favours of the elder brother demand that the younger brothers and sisters respect him, give him the status of parents in their absence, or at least consider him to be their leader and guardian. They should refrain from backbiting, tale-telling and bad presumptions against him. They should, as far as possible, act upon his permissible desires and orders. They should always maintain a good relationship with him and if he ever becomes angry, they should take the initiative and apologize to him and try their best to bring him round.

Treat elder brother well

Sayyiduna Jareer Bin Haazim رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه has stated: I once had a dream in which I saw that my head was in my hands. In order to get its interpretation, I related my dream to Sayyiduna Ibn-e-Seereen (who was an expert in interpreting dreams). He asked me: ‘Are any of your parents alive?’ I replied in the negative. He then said, ‘Do you have an elder brother? ’. I replied in the affirmative. He رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه said, ‘Keep fearing Allah Almighty, treat him well and refrain from breaking ties with him.’ (Shu’ab-ul-Iman, vol. 6, pp. 210, Hadees 7928)


Affection for children

Dear Islamic sisters! While Islam has taught the young to respect their elders, it has also ordered the elders to show affection and devotion to their younger brothers and sisters. For motivation, let us listen to two blessed sayings of the Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم:

1. Whoever has three daughters or three sisters, or two daughters or two sisters, and he treats them well and fears Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ in relation to them, then there is Paradise for him. (Tirmizi, vol. 3, pp. 367, Hadees 1923)