Book Name:Jald Bazi Kay Nuqsanat

   ۔1The first thing we learn is that our predecessors were people who acted upon the beautiful Sunnah of giving Salaam, regardless of how many times they met a person. They would always give Salaam. However, it is with great regret that like many other Sunnahs, this Sunnah is also disappearing today. When people meet each other, instead of saying ‘اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ’, they begin with ‘hello’, ‘how are you?’, ‘good morning’ and ‘good evening’ etc. Likewise, some people give Salaam by indicating with their hands and wrists, and similarly, laziness is shown in replying to Salaam also. This is all against the Sunnah. Some people are so audacious that they begin their speech with swearing مَعاذَاللہ. Just as A’la Hadrat, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه states: I have witnessed with my own eyes and heard with my own ears people swearing instead of giving Salaam. (Malfuzaat-e-A’la Hadrat, pp. 450) If only every Muslim understood the importance of Salaam and this Sunnah became widespread once again. In order to learn more about the great Sunnah of Salaam, refer to the booklet of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ, ‘101 Madani Phool’ and the book of Maktaba-tul-Madinah, ‘Sunnatayn aur Aadab’.

   ۔2The second thing we come to know of is that if someone makes us aware of our shortcomings or weaknesses and attempts to rectify us, then instead of becoming angry and stubborn, we should attempt to rectify ourselves. Alas! The situation is continuing to worsen; if any Islamic sister informs an Islamic sister about her shortcoming or advises her, she is met with hostility and is cursed and humiliated. For example, by responding, ‘here comes ‘the great advisor’’, ‘she has read a few books and now look at her’, ‘who do you think you are?’, ‘make yourself religious first then speak to us’, ‘we already know everything’, ‘don’t try to tell us’, ‘mind your own business’, etc.

Nevertheless, if another Islamic sister informs us of our shortcoming, advises us, and attempts to rectify us with good intentions, then we should not consider her enemy, rather, we should consider her friend and show her gratitude. Let us listen to the manner of the righteous people in this regard: