Book Name:Malakul Maut Ke Waqiaat

Make that rejected one experience the pain of death which all jinn and mankind have experienced combined; in fact, multiplied many times over.” The keeper of Hell will then be ordered to open its doors.

The angel of death will then go to Satan with a terrifying appearance. If the inhabitants of the earth and sky saw this form, they would melt like ice. He will then scold Satan in such a thunderingly fearsome way, that if those living in the East and West heard this, they would lose their minds. Satan will run when this happens, and the angel of death will declare, “O evil one, stop! Today, you will feel pain equal to the pain of everyone who you misguided and led to Hell. You have lived long, misled many, and led many to Hell. All of them are waiting for you there. Your time is over. Now, run! How far can you run?”

Satan the accursed will have nowhere to run. Appearing as though he is insane, he will flee to the East, to the West, and even into the oceans. But wherever he goes, he will find the angel of death in front of him.

Running here and there in this state, he will arrive at the shrine of Prophet Ādam, where he will say: “O Ādam! I became accursed because of you. If only you weren’t born!”

(اللہ اکبر Even in that state, Satan will blame others for his own sin!)

He will continue running away, until he comes to the place he first came to on Earth after being banished. There, the earth will be burning like fire. The angels appointed upon the people of the Hellfire shall then surround him, and they will shackle Satan with chains with spikes upon them. Satan will then suffer the agonies of death for as long as Allah wills.

Prophet Ādam and Lady Ḥawwāˈ will then be raised, and it will be