Qiyamat Ki Alamaat

Book Name:Qiyamat Ki Alamaat

7.   Songstresses will be common.

8.   The use of musical instruments will be widespread.

At that time, people should fear a red storm, sinking into the earth and the transformation of faces.”[1]

Ponder! Which of these actions are not occurring in this era? Severing ties with relatives is a sign of the Day of Judgement. When small arguments and disagreements occur between families, they decide to end their relationship completely, leading to them not visiting or talking to each other for years.

An increase of sins is another sign. Our communities are drowning in sin. Whether it is in seclusion or in public, at home or in the marketplace, in the city or village, people are committing sins everywhere. In fact, sinning has become so prevalent that it is difficult to protect yourself from it.

The adornment of the noble Quran is also a sign of the Day of Judgement. The covers, binding and pages of the noble Quran are beautified in many ways, but there are few people who adorn themselves with the teachings of the noble Quran. The place where the noble Quran is kept is adorned too, but there is no interest in adorning the heart and mind with the teachings and wonders of the noble Quran.

Women are imitating men, and men are imitating women in every facet of life today. Men are wearing bracelets, growing long hair, wearing hair bands, applying henna to their hands and feet and more. The beloved Prophet صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم described this as a sign of the Day of Judgement and prohibited us from this.

Similarly, a man disobeying his father and treating his friends well is another sign. This can be seen in our communities too.  Some people’s



[1] ilyat al-Awliyāˈ, vol. 3, p. 410, Number 4448 Selectively