Karamat e Auliya Ke Saboot

Book Name:Karamat e Auliya Ke Saboot

saints that these beloved servants of Allah hear the calls of those who seek help and recognise them.

Some people fall prey to Satanic whispers in this regard. For example, they might ask, “When Allah is capable of helping, why seek help from Shaykh ꜤAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه or any other saint?”

The response is that this is a dangerous trick of Satan and he has led many astray like this. Allah has not prohibited us from seeking help from others. In fact, throughout the Quran, He has permitted us to do this. Seeking help from the saints is to seek help from Allah, because even if Shaykh ꜤAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه helps, it is not through his own power, but through the will of Allah and by divine permission.

Look at how Allah sent angels to help during the Battle of Badr:

اِذْ یُوْحِیْ رَبُّکَ اِلَی الْمَلٰٓئِکَۃِ اَنِّیْ مَعَکُمْ فَثَبِّتُوا الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا ؕ

And remember, ˹Dear Beloved Prophet,˺ when your Lord would send a revelation to the Angels, “I am with you so ensure the Muslims stand firm. [1]

Let’s pause here and think for a moment! Angels are not Allah (yet they are helping with Allah’s permission). Also, Allah Himself is saying He is with them and the angels must assist the Muslims in standing firm.

Allah sent angels, even though He could have helped the Muslims without them. If Allah willed, the disbelievers would have fallen flat on their faces in their homes and been unable to come to the battlefield entirely. Yet, Allah sent angels. Why? Because, He is Allah. He is the Lord. He is the All-Powerful. He does as He wills and none can dare to question Him.

So, who came to help during the Battle of Badr? It was angels. But what did Allah say about this?



[1] Al-Quran, part. 9, Al-Anfāl, verse 12; translation from Kanz al-Irfān