Karamat e Auliya Ke Saboot

Book Name:Karamat e Auliya Ke Saboot

25.   Did you dress according to the sunnah? (These clothes must be a colour permitted by the shariah and not glaringly bright or sparkling.)

26.   Do you have long hair according to the sunnah?

27.   Have you refrained from the sin of shaving the beard or trimming it less than a fist-length?

28.   Did you repent immediately after committing a sin?

29.   Did you eat according to the sunnah and recite the pre-meal and post-meal duāˈs?

30.   Did you give salaam to the Muslims you met at home; at work; on the bus, train, etc; and other places?

31.   Did you act upon at least some sunnahs related to the miswāk, exiting and entering the home, sleeping and awakening, sitting facing qibla, etc?

32.   Did you offer the four units (rakꜤāt) of sunnah for Ẓuhr prior to the farḍ?

33.   Did you offer tahajjud salah at night? If you did not sleep, did you offer ṣalāt al-layl?

34.   Did you offer the voluntary (nafl) prayers of ishrāq, chāsht, and awwābīn?

35.   Did you offer the preceding sunnahs of ꜤAṣr or ꜤIshāˈ?

36.   Did you encourage someone else to take part in at least one of Dawat-e-Islami’s 12 religious activities?

37.   Did you avoid asking someone to borrow something from them? (e.g. slippers, shawl, mobile, charger, car)