Those Islamic personalities whose day of demise or Urs is marked in Rajab ul Murajjab

Rajab-ul-Murajjab is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar. Fifty blessed companions, Islamic scholars and Awliya (pious saints) whose day of demise [i.e. ‘Urs] is marked in this month were mentioned briefly in the monthly magazine ‘Faizan­-e-Madinah’, issues of 1438 AH, 1439 AH and 1440 AH. Read about twelve more.

Companions رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ عَنْهُم

٭ Glorious companion, Sayyiduna Salman Farsi رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ was the resident of Ramahurmuz (Khuzestan, Iran). He passed away on 10th Rajab, 33 or 36 AH in Madain (Iraq). His sacred shrine is the place where Du’as are heard; it is situated at Salman Park in Madain. He was an elderly person, warrior of Islam, Governor of Madain, the desirous of Paradise, the third Shaykh of Naqshbandi order, and the receiver of the good news from the Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم: سَلْمَانُ الْخَیْر، سَلْمَانُ مِنَّا اَہْلَ الْبَیْت Salman is from our Ahl-e-Bayt. (Tabaqat-e-Ibn Sa’d, vol. 4, pp. 54, 70; Tareekh-e-Ibn–e-‘Asakir, vol. 21, pp. 373,  460; Karamat-e-Sahabah, pp. 217, 219)

٭ The beloved of nation, Sayyiduna Nu’aym Nahham Bin ‘Abdullah ‘Adawi Qurashi رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ was the beloved of his nation because of being the companion who embraced Islam in its early days and who would look after widows, orphans and the poor. For this reason, he was stopped from migration. In the 6 AH, he migrated with forty people of his nation and took part in all subsequent Ghazawaat (Battles). According to a narration, he was martyred in the Battle of Yarmook. His greatness can also be understood by the saying of the Beloved Rasool صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم:دَخَلْتُ الْجَنَّةَ فَسَمِعْتُ نَحْمَةً مِّنْ نُعيمٍ ‘When I visited Paradise, I heard Nu’aym’s voice of clearing his throat’. (Tabaqat-e-Ibn-e-Sa`d, vol. 4, pp. 102, 103; Al-Isabah, vol. 6, pp. 361)

Blessed Saints [Awliya] رَحِمَهُمُ الـلّٰـهُ

٭ The caliph, Ameer-ul-Mu’mineen Umar Bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Umawi Qurashi رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was born in a rich family in Madinah, in 63 AH and passed away on 20th Rajab, 101 AH in Dayr Sim’aan ( Ma’arat-un-Nu’man province Idlib) Syria. His blessed shrine is situated at the same place. He was a Taabi’i, an Islamic scholar, ascetic, embodiment of Divine fear, righteous and just caliph, the revivalist of Islam, influential and exemplary figure of Islam. He not only ordered to collect Ahadees, but he also published them in a large number. (Tabaqat-e-Ibn-e-Sa’d, vol. 5, pp. 253, 320; Tareekh-e-Islam, vol. 3, pp. 115, 131; Tareekh-ul-Khulafa, pp. 183,197)

٭ Imam-ul-Awliya Hasan Basri رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was born in Madinah in 21 AH, and passed away on 1st Rajab, 110 AH. His blessed shrine is situated in Madinah-tuz-Zubair (district Basrah) Iraq. He was brought up by the mother of believers, Umm-e-Salamah. He was Hafiz of Quran, Sayyid-ut-Tabi’een and great Islamic scholar, Islamic jurist, Muhaddis, great eloquent orator of his era, compassionate, perfect saint, the caliph of Sayyiduna Ali-ul-Murtada رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهِ عَـنْهُ and the third Shaykh [leader] of the Chishti order. (Siyar-e-A’laam-un-Nubala, vol. 5, pp. 456 to 473; Tazkira-tul-Awliya, vol.  1, pp. 34 to 48)

٭ Imam Ja’far Sadiq رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was born in 80 AH in Madinah and passed away on 15th Rajab, 148 AH at the very same place. He was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi’. He was a beloved offspring of Ahl-e-Bayt, honourable Tabi’ee, a scholar of Hadees and Islamic jurist, a great Islamic scholar, a teacher of Imam A’zam and sixth Shaykh [leader] of the Qaadiriyyah order. (Siyar-e-A’laam-un-Nubala, vol. 6, 438,447; Shawahid-un-Nubuwwah, pp. 245)

٭ The founder of the order of ‘Alawaniyyah, Sayyid Ahmad Ibn ‘Alaawan Hasani Shaafi’i Qaadiri رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was born in Zul-Jinan, (suburbs of Mount Zakhr, Province Ma’afir) Yemen, around about 600 AH and passed away on 20th Rajab, 665 AH in Yafras, (suburbs of Mount Habshi, Province Ta’iz) in Yemen. His sacred shrine is situated at the same place and visited by common people. He holds excellent titles such as a great Islamic scholar, a blessed saint with multiple saintly miracles, author of great books, Taaj-ul-Asfiya, Safiuddin and one of the greatest Islamic saints of Yemen. His memorable books include Al-Tawheed-ul-A’zam and Al-Mihrjan. (Al-Mihrjan, pp. 5-9 –Ithaf-ul-Akabir, pp. 243)

٭ Khuwajah Hafiz Muhammad Hasan Jan Sarhindi Mujaddidi رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was born in Qandhar (Afghanistan), 1278 AH and passed away on 2nd Rajab, 1365 AH. He was buried near his father’s shrine in Daman-e-Koh Ganjotakkar (near Hyderabad Sindh). He was a beloved offspring of the Sarhindiyyah Mujaddidiyyah Aastanah-e-‘Aaliyah, Hafiz of Quran, a student of Arab and non-Arab scholars, highly expert in academic and spiritual fields of knowledge, a religious and national activist, visited by common people and Islamic scholars and the author of more than 25 books and booklets. (Al-Aqaaid-us-Saheehah, pp. 8-12)

Islamic scholars رَحِمَهُمُ الـلّٰـهُ

٭ The renowned scholar, ‘Allamah Qadi Shahabuddin Ahmad Daulat Abadi Hanafi was born in Daulat Abad (District Orangabad, Province Maharashtra), India, in 750 AH and passed away on 25th Rajab, 894 AH in Jaunpur, (UP) India. His blessed shrine is located in Raj College adjacent to the Atala Masjid. He was a great Islamic scholar, expert in all the fields of Islamic knowledge, visited by common people as well as important personalities; he was Chief-justice of Islamic court, a teacher of Islamic scholars and was also associated with the Chishti order. His eighteen books also include Tafseer-e-Quran Bahr-e-Mawwaj, Sharh Kaafiyah, Kitab-ul-Irshad, and Badi’-ul-Bayan. (Tazkirah ‘Ulama-e-Hind, pp. 239; Tazkirah ‘Ulama-o-Mashaikh Pakistan-o-Hind, vol. 1, pp. 30; Akhbar-ul-Akhyar Farsi, pp. 181)

٭ The commentator of Quran, Maulana Qadi Sanaullah Panipatti Hanafi was born around 1145 AH in Panipat (Eastern Punjab), India and passed away on 1st Rajab 1225 in Panipat. His blessed shrine is situated in the premises near the sacred shrine of a great Islamic saint, Makhdoom Jalaluddin. He was a practicing Islamic scholar, Qadi and Mufti of Islam, Shaykh-ul-Hadees and Mufassir, and a Shaykh of Naqshbandi Mujaddidiyyah order. His famous books are Tafseer-e-Mazhari and مالابُدَّمِنْہُ. (Hadaiq-ul-Hanafiyyah, pp. 483; Khazeena-tul-Asfiya, vol. 3, pp. 271; Tazkirah ‘Ulama-e-Hind, pp. 142)

٭ ‘Allamah Shah Salamatullah Kashfi Qaadiri Badayuni رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was a great Islamic scholar, Mufti, great Muhaddis, great Mufassir, spiritual leader, having his own collection of poetry, student of Shah Abdul ‘Aziz Muhaddis Dehilvi رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه, disciple and caliph of Shams Marharah Shah Achay Miyan Barakati رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه and a writer of many books. He was born in a rich family of Badayun and passed away on 3rd Rajab, 1281 AH in Kanpur. His blessed shrine is situated in front of the Masjid which was built by him in Kanpur (UP, India). (Tazkirah ‘Ulama-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, pp. 95 - Tazkirah ‘Ulama-e-Hind, pp. 219 -222)

٭ ‘Allamah Mufti Miyan Naseer Ahmad Peshawari Qaadiri رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was born in 1228 AH, in Peshawar (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) Pakistan and passed away there on 18th Rajab 1308 AH. He was a leader of Islamic scholars, teacher of teachers, practising Islamic scholar, author, Mufti of Islam, excellent poet and caliph of Sawat Saido Baba. (Shakhsiyyat-e-Sarhad, pp. 173; Tazkirah ‘Ulama -o-Mashaaikh-e-Sarhad, pp. 167)

٭ ‘Allamah Mufti Sayyid Muhammad Afzal Husain Mongiri رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was born in Bawana, (District Mongir, Province of Bihar), India, in 1337 AH. He passed away on 21st Rajab, 1402 AH in Sukkur, Sindh. He was a teacher of Islamic scholars, graduate of Dar-ul-‘Uloom Manzar-e-Islam Bareilly, Shaykh-ul-Hadees, great arithmetic, expert in Ilm-e-Tauqeet (the science of timing) and logic, Khalifah [person permitted to make Mureed in a specific spiritual order] of Mufti A’zam India, a writer of many books and a leading figure of Ahl-e-Sunnah. ‘Zubdat-ut-Tawqeet’ and ‘Umda-tul-Faraid’ are also among his 40 books. (Tajalliyaat-e-Taj-us- Shari’ah, pp. 122; Mufti-e-A’zam Hind aur Un kay Khulafa, pp. 193-198).
