Heartfelt Plea
Useful Tips
Muhammad Imran Attari, Head of the Central Executive Committee of Dawat-e-Islami
Mawlana Muhammad Imran Attari delivers lectures and holds training sessions for brothers in Pakistan and overseas. These consist of advice, training, reflection, reformation and significant thought-provoking points regarding daily life that can be acted upon. Here are some important points taken from his speeches:
1. Belief, trust and hope are pillars of our lives. If they are destroyed, our lives will be ruined.
2. If you wish to increase your blessings, perform two units of prayer or a prostration of gratefulness whenever you hear good news regarding your home or children. I am certain you will receive even more blessings because of this.
3. Fathers must ensure they deal with their family fairly, but when it comes to distributing items, they should give to their daughters first because they have fragile hearts. Daughters will be pleased by this. Their brothers should not be upset, rather they should care for their sisters in a similar manner. Daughters and sisters must not take advantage of this kindness.
4. If someone comes to you in a state of sorrow and hopelessness, comfort and encourage him. Give him hope of overcoming his difficulties, and attempt to save him from the dark depths of hopelessness with the light of reassurance. If Allah Almighty wills, your words of encouragement and support will grant him strength, and he will save himself from suicide.
5. If you face a difficult task, have the mindset that, ‘If someone else can complete this task, I can too.’
6. Studying inattentively is not beneficial. If you are lost in thought whilst reading, read again from the place you reached before you were distracted.
7. When you are studying, study with the mindset that you will never study the book again. So, study attentively, such that you can answer any question regarding the book.
8. Optimism induces peace and pessimism makes you restless. If you desire serenity, adopt positive thinking.
9. Take an umbrella before it rains. This proverb teaches us to be precautious and to find solutions to difficulties before we are afflicted by them. The leader of Ahl al-Sunnah, Mawlana Muhammad Ilyas Attar al-Qadiri دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ says, “A cautious person remains at ease.”[1]
10. The benefit of consultation regarding any matter is that you receive different opinions and they can be combined to create one good suggestion. Sometimes, one person’s idea is liked by everyone.
11. In order to prevent inflation, economists advise people to stop buying items. Once shopkeepers see fewer buyers, they will be forced to sell at a lower price. For example, the price of fruit is expensive in the morning but cheaper in the evening because sellers realise if the fruit is not sold, it will rot and go to waste.
12. Take control of your budget by not making unnecessary items a need, and do not get addicted to certain foods and drinks, rather maintain a moderate approach. Adopt a mindset of economising and being content. Look around your house and take note of what is excessive, and refrain from buying it in the future.
13. A successful businessman is the one who knows how to buy. If he purchases an item for a low price, he can make profit from it, otherwise he burdens himself.
14. Giving charity in the way of Allah Almighty increases your wealth and the blessings in it, and the beloved Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم took an oath regarding this. I even encourage poor and middle-class families to give something in the way of Allah Almighty, even if it is one pound, a handful of rice or a single date. Allah Almighty will grant you a lot in return.
15. You will be happy when you learn how to please others, otherwise you will remain in search of happiness. If you learn how to be joyful in other people’s happiness, you will be content too.