A Heartfelt Plea
Words of Advice
Muhammad Imran Attari - Head of Dawat-e-Islami’s Central Executive Committee
Mawlana Muhammad Imran Attari سلمہ الباری gave many beneficial pieces of advice on a multitude of topics, during the Plus Minus programmes of Madani Channel. Take benefit from these invaluable pearls of wisdom.
1. If someone makes a mistake and the person affected says, “I will not forgive him until he pleads and admits his guilt in front of me”, this shows a deficiency of character and lack of knowledge. If he knew the virtues of forgiving others, he would be unable to live without doing so.
2. If you are not forgiving, you will bear the difficult consequences of it. If a person who wronged you visits you (to right his wrongs) but you do not reciprocate, your heart will burn with anger and hate. In this situation, it is helpful to remember the glad tidings of Paradise for those who forgive (as mentioned in hadith).
3. The Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم not only encouraged us verbally to forgive, but practically forgave others in many incidents throughout his sacred life. His Companions and family were forgiving too, and those who forgive are dear to Allah.
4. The benefit of running a business is to earn halal wealth, whilst its harm is to earn haram.
5. Another benefit of running a business is that you can make good intentions, such as treating Muslims well and being compassionate.
6. If you are an employee and commit fraud, steal wealth, and disregard your contracted work timings, these are negative aspects of your employment.
7. If a businessman speaks well of his employees in front of a customer but disrespects them as soon as he leaves, this is a harmful act. A well-mannered individual always treats everyone kindly.
8. If you face difficulties in your business, you should not take a path which Allah and His Messenger have prohibited. It is unfortunate that some resort to unlawful practises when faced with problems.
9. To receive blessings in your sustenance, recite یاغنی. You can also give salam when you enter your home. If nobody is there, say السلام علیک یا نبی اللہ. Your sustenance will increase اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه.
10. Whenever you require an increase of sustenance, reflect upon your relationship and mannerisms with your relatives. This is because treating your relatives kindly leads to blessings in your sustenance and age, and protects you from an evil death.
11. I know someone who started a business and gives a portion of his profit to his sister. He said he does not understand how his business is so successful, but he thinks treating his sister well had a positive effect.
12. When someone falls ill, he thinks about what he eats, drinks, where he travels and the weather, to find what caused it. He then manages the cause to improve his health. Similarly, when there are difficulties in a business, one should reflect upon whether he lies, commits fraud, misses salah or salah in congregation, mistreats his relatives, or violates the financial rights of an orphan or widow etc. This is because these actions harm one’s sustenance.
13. Live a balanced life. If your business matters increase, do not let it affect your acts of worship, family, and the way you treat your relatives. It is necessary to take time out for all this.
14. Some attempt to destroy other businesses with evil ploys, instead of utilising their skills to improve their own. You can never take someone’s sustenance, as an increase or decrease in it is only decreed by Allah.
15. If someone worries about themselves with regards to the grave and the Day of Judgement, this is a good sign. The Companions contemplated the Hereafter and what would happen there, and even shed tears due to this. Worrying about the Hereafter increases spirituality and is a means of earning reward.
16. If a man can provide food and shelter, and the woman is intelligent and can look after the household, their parents should get them married. The marriage should not be delayed for petty reasons.
17. Unnecessary delay in marriage can create many problems. Sometimes, marriage is delayed because of studies and the individual becomes old. That is the time when marriage proposals are not given as readily.
18. A mother-in-law should treat her daughter-in-law like her own daughter, and a daughter-in-law should treat her mother-in-law like her own mother. Just as a daughter sometimes complains to her mother but the mother does not retaliate, a mother sometimes complains to her daughter and the daughter does not respond. If a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have this understanding, the household will be flourish.
19. Parents do not question their children due to a lack of trust, but for their benefit. If a successful person in society is asked about how he reached his position, he will say it is because of his parents’ guidance and restrictions.